Monday, September 10, 2012

Upside down Picasso

For this first Journal/Reflection I would like you to discuss the Media used, Subject Matter, as well as the description of the assignment and Learning Objectives (what you were supposed to learn). Discuss the key terms introduced i.e.picture plane, grid, view finder...others.
Remember to upload your image of your art work from the account.

This drawing was drawn drawn upside down. A study was conducted on elementary children who, when shown this drawing upside down, were able to draw an image much closer to the original than those who were shown the image right side up. The study showed that we have our own predetermined methods of drawing--if we see a human, we draw a human as we know how to. However, when the drawing is presented upside down, we draw the lines as opposed to the person.

The subject is a doctor sitting in a chair, and our objective was to copy what the artist saw on a two-dimensional plane. We used a grid in our drawing, which allowed us to divide the image into 8 equal portions, allowing our minds to set landmarks on the image so that when we copy it unto our sketch pad, which we divided into eight by folding, we have an idea of where to put it (for example, in the middle of box number 3). 

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